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The Team

Tina Walton

Founder & Instructor

Tina works with a wide variety of clients outside the traditional gym setting. She specializes in positive body image coupled with emotional strength and overall health and wellness. Tina loves a challenge, so whether you are new to exercise, have lost the enthusiasm to exercise, or have been exercising your whole life and are ready for something different, Tina can help you attain your goals. Thanks to Tina’s sincerity, dedication, compassion and commitment, all you’ll need is the enthusiasm – we’ll provide the knowledge, encouragement, and support to get you to where YOU want to be!


FitMix Personal Training-- Becoming Faithfully Fit-- is based on many different fitness domains, including weight loss, strength and conditioning, injury prevention, wellness coaching, and endurance training. Email and join our mailing list for more information.

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